Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 1: Going Away Party!!

I've been in Orlando since Sunday attending a developer conference. Today is the last day of the conference. My brain has been gourging on geek food specific to current and future Microsoft technologies, concepts and practices including what's in the mix for the future of Microsoft application development, Cloud technologies (Azure), Windows 8 (Metro apps <- WOW!) and so much more!  This blog will not be about technology and the future, but I can say that the future is very very bright and exciting; the IT industry keeps getting better and imagination and technology is what will drive the future.  :)

Tonight, they reserved the Universal Studio Island theme park just for the conference attendees (apparently there are a couple of Universal theme parks), so there will be a lot of drunk geeks in Orlando tonight :). I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but I think drunk geeks are as harmless as chewbacca and are quite fun to party with! :-) 

My flight leaves tomorrow for the Dominican Republic at 7:30am.  I will be travelling first to the capital city of Santo Domingo. I will need to be up exceptionally early to get to the airport and go through customs and what not.  I will be in Santo Domingo for three nights, then  make my way to Las Terrenas located in northern coast of the Dominican Republic for about a week.  Then I will head over to Sosua (also in the north) which is west of Las Terrenas and visit Cabarete the party city of the Dominican and visit Puerto Plata.

My adventures will last a good 2 weeks. I've opted to take the experiential route while absorbing the beautiful beaches of the DR and will soak up as much sun as I can; I want to take in the culture and language first and foremost.  I'm also a big bachata dancer so I am very excited to dance it in the country where the dance was born in!

To prepare for the trip, I've been taking a Spanish course at a local college to refresh what I have learned so many years ago in college, so I hope to excel in my Spanish speaking skills. I'll be staying mostly in hostels until I get to Sosua.  I figure by that time, I need some kind of comfort (at least my body will!?).  To get around, there is a bus company/system called Caribe Tours;  that seems to be a very cheap and popular way of getting around places.  I also am traveling pretty light with just a backpack and about a weeks worth of clothes.  I actually arrived in Orlando with excessive gear, so I had to refactor and send back some "unneeded" items back home in a box (including a tonne of swag from the conference!).

This blog will document my travels in my Dominican Republic trip! Wish me luck!! +_+
Farewell Orlando! Hello Dominican Republic!

Geeks 2^2 ever!!

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